Hello, I am

Harsh Chauhan

Full Stack Developer | Data Analyst

Who am I ?

A Web Developer and a Data Analyst

I love Data and I can Generate insights and represent them in a user friendly fashion. Currently schooling under VIT Chennai as Undergraduate CSE Core Student and hoping to gain some experience while working with you!

Personal Info

  • Birthdate : 15/02/2003
  • Email : harsh.chauhan2020@vitstudent.ac.in
  • Phone : +91 76058 57752
  • Address :1/532A Jodhpur Park, Kolkata

My Expertise


Begineer knowledge of Flask,Node.js and intermediate knowledge of python and JavaScript

Web Development

intermediate knowledge of HTML CSS and JAVASCRIPT(currently learning React)

Data Analysis

Good Knowledge of python R and MYSQL with respect to Data Science and has begineer knowledge of ML

My Resume


July 2022 - September 2022

Data Analytics Intern

Training and projects on Data Analysis using tools such as MYSQL workbench , R studio, etc., from Trainity


2020 - Present

B.Tech Computer Science

Currently Studying at VIT Chennai as an undergraduate for B.tech at CSE CORE

2010 - 2020

High School

Completed high Schooling at B.D.M.International Kolkata with 83% in 10th and 91% in 12th grades respectively.


html & CSS3

My Services

Data Analysis

I am specialized in analyzing data. Results, trends and recommendations are clearly presented in reports or tools.

web design
Front End Designer

As a web developer, I help to design and create the perfect website for starters and freelancers. The website is optimized for desktop and smartphone.

Data Analytics

Get more value from your data with prediction models and machine learning techniques, for example by predicting behavior or targeting the right customer.


Dashboards show the most recent results in an interactive way. By clicking and drilling, you will examine trends and patterns yourself.


Present your data in an inspiring way by using an infographic rather than a piece of text. I create interactive infographics which can be used internally or publicly.

Advice and Coaching Projects

Before and during data related projects, I give advice on the progress of the project and I coach data analysts.

Looking for Good Website Designs/Good Analytics for your organisation?

My Portfolio

Download free bootstrap 4 admin dashboard, free boootstrap 4 templates

Analytics on Instagram Trends!

Download free bootstrap 4 admin dashboard, free boootstrap 4 templates

Analytics on Operations and metrics!

Download free bootstrap 4 admin dashboard, free boootstrap 4 templates

Analysis on Recent trends in IMDB reviews!

Download free bootstrap 4 admin dashboard, free boootstrap 4 templates

Analytics on Project Hiring!

Download free bootstrap 4 admin dashboard, free boootstrap 4 templates
Case Study

Case Study on Bank Loans

Send a message

Get in touch

Phone :
+91 76058 57752
Address :
1/532A Jodhpur Park Kolkata 700068
Email :